


Hi there, my name is Nancy and I’m the Editor of ‘From Lancashire With Love’ a super wedding blog and online resource centre. I’m also a Wedding Photographer based in Chorley, Lancashire who is addicted to not only weddings and photography but social networking and blogging.

I thought that it would be a spiffingly cool to put all the ideas, hints, tips, current trends, tech-savvy, fashions, beauty, help-pages, photography, photo shoot ideas, colours, textures, poetry, art and flowers all in one super blog. The difference with my blog is that as a Wedding Photographer, I actually come across all the above in my job. This isn’t some re-hashed blog content…it’s what I have come across in real life. As a new bride/groom (that’s you) this should help…I hope, haha 😉

This blog is for you, it’s about you, it’s about your area and other parts too (when needed). It’s your own personal resource, it’s your Lancashire Wedding…hope you enjoy reading it as much as much as I like writing it…

From Nancy, somewhere in Lancashire…with Love.

Peace out x